We are called to honor the elders that the Lord has placed over us. The elders also, however, are not immune to sin, and when sin is confirmed by two…
God has called Believers to be an example in faith in conduct and in purity. We are to keep our conduct honorable among the Gentiles, and this is important especially…
In addition to exposing false teachings, the leaders of the church are responsible to constantly command, teach, and remind Christians of all sound doctrine.
Not only are officers in the church to be men, but they are also to be blameless men of upright family and public life. All Christian men ought to strive…
Women have separate roles from men, and they are commanded to be modest and quietly submissive while men ordained of God are teaching His word.
As Believers we are have the privilege and duty of praying for all men; it may be that the Lord would be pleased to grant salvation to them in accordance…
Paul stands as a golden example of the grace and mercy of God in calling a lost sinner both to salvation and to the ministry. Neither of these were earned…
How are we as Believers to use the law in a lawful way? How are we to understand its applicability to us today?
Christ is serious about His will for the Church, and Paul reflects that in this epistle to Timothy. Sound doctrine must be taught and upheld at all costs, and worthless…
True Believers will be assured by God that their faith is genuine, and they will not live a lifestyle of sin.