Those who make themselves friends of the world, are enemies of God. What does it mean to love and befriend the world in this sinful way? How ought Believers to…
Not all Christians have the same knowledge and spiritual maturity at the same time. God, as a loving Father, leads His children through different stages in their walk with Christ.
The path to salvation is not one of "easy-believism", but a surrender of self to Christ. Many pretend to be Christian while keeping their sins, but those who would be…
To truly know God is to put one's faith in Christ and keep His commandments. The inner witness of the Spirit and the external working of loving obedience both validate…
As believers in Christ we will sin at times, but that will not become our lifestyle. We have One who is the perfect propitiation for our sins. He has paid…
True Believers walk in God's light, and are unashamed to have their lives examined by the standard of His Word. They also should always be ready to expose the darkness…