Believers have been endowed with the Spirit of love, and have ought not to fear the wrath and judgment of God. Rather, Believers are assured of God's favor and comforted…
The spirit of God present in a Believer is never silent, but rather disciplines, corrects, comforts, and assures Believers of His love.
Christians cannot be held captive by demonic spirits. We are told to resist the devil and he will flee from us.
We know what love is because of God, for God is love and does all things in perfect love. To claim to be a Believer and yet not love, is…
There is no such thing as a completely carnal Christian, nor is there such thing as a sinless Christian. True Christians do not habitually practice sin, but rather actively pursue…
Those of us who are the children of God are so not because we merited it or willed it, but because of the unfathomable grace of God Who chose us…
A good test to examine someone's profession of faith is to ask them who Jesus is. Who is Jesus? He is the Christ, and if anyone denies this, they are…