The book of 1 John was written for the express intent that its believing readers may know that they have eternal life. And that eternal life is based on the…
God makes Believers perfect in Him by Christ's righteousness, and we are accepted in Him. He also makes us perfect in every good work to do His will, by His…
Should we ask others to pray for us? Or if God is sovereign, why even pray? Doesn't God know exactly what we have need of before we even ask? Listen…
Everything that we have and all that we are come from God, from whom all blessings flow. Does it not make sense to give Him thanks and praise?
As Christians, we ought to know the good from the evil. Yet, it can be harder to discern the good from the almost good. Learn from this message what God…
Christ is the great Shepherd of His sheep, and He never changes; He has instituted His church to have elders, who oversee each flock. We are to submit to our…